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Spring Cleaning: In 48 Hours

No one actually looks forward to cleaning, but something about blooming flowers and bright, sunny days makes you want to air out the whole house and start anew. Whether deep cleaning or simple organizing tasks are on your to-do list, these tips will make any spring cleaning chore easier. We promise, you'll still be able to enjoy your weekend, too.

Don't use time as an excuse to escape cleaning tasks. Surely you can dedicate one hour to some deep cleaning. Start by cleaning items that need to "soak" and complete the rest of these tasks in the meantime.

Don't forget about your phone. Yes, even our mobile devices need to be "decluttered." Clear your device's storage of unwanted data hogs, like caches and browser history. Delete apps you haven't used in months. Streamline your photos or take advantage of cloud storage services. After that, maybe give it a good wipe down, too.

In order to clean and organize your space, you have to get rid of the clutter, first. Go through the pantry, refrigerator, closet, bathroom and desk, tossing anything that's expired, outdated or unused. Don't do this all at once, though, or you'll get frustrated and overwhelmed. Instead, simply throw away or organize objects as you come across them. Ready to start?

Get creative with budget-friendly organizers. Utilize dollar stores and bargain sections at your favorite retailers to organize around the house and in the car. Shower caddies and over-the-door shoe holders make it so easy to get organized when you're short on time (and cash).

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Find natural cleaning solutions right in your pantry. Baking soda works like a charm to remove dirt and grime, which means you spend less time scrubbing and more time chilling. Mix up one of these natural solutions to quickly and easily clean frequently-used items in your home.

Hack your bathroom cleaning routine. Everyone dreads cleaning the bathroom. But there is a secret to only cleaning it ONCE. By doing one or two small maintenance tasks throughout the week, you'll never have to spend an entire afternoon scrubbing toilet and tub surfaces again.

Use common household items to whip your garage into shape. Remember all that stuff you threw out after your decluttering spree? Re-use some of those items to organize the garage. A golf bag collecting dust works really well as a garden tool holder. The key to organizing the garage is to keep like items together.

Source: Miller, Molly. "Spring Cleaning: How to Do It in 48 Hours." HGTV. Web.


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