15 Brilliant Ways to Keep Your Home Cool Without Air Conditioning
It turns out there are plenty of ways to buffer your home from the heat without racking up your electric bill...

5 Ways to Save Money When You're On a Tight Budget
For most renters, putting away enough money for a security deposit and first and last month's rent is hard enough. What about saving for...

What is Debt-to-Income Ratio?
When you apply for a mortgage, your lender will analyze your debt ratios, which are also known as your debt-to-income ratios, or DTI....

Self-Employed? What to Know About Buying a Home
Jammie pants and slippers. Dog curled up at your feet. Your favorite TV show playing in the background. Sound like a quality weekend day?...

To Rent or Sell Your Vacant Home
To Rent or Sell Your Vacant Home. Have you ever thought whether it would be better to rent or sell a vacant home that you own? Maybe you...

Credit Scores and Buying Houses
What credit score is needed to buy a house? Ah, the dreaded credit score. It’s one of the biggest criteria considered by lenders in the...

6 New Year’s Resolutions for New Homeowners
We all make New Year’s resolutions, but let’s be honest: Most are wishful thinking. By February, that “lose 20 pounds” or “learn Spanish”...

How To Lower Your Energy Bill
Energy bill too high? It might be time to consider the physics behind your energy use. The scientific attributes of heat and energy mean...

4 Signs You Should Downsize
Making the decision to downsize your home can be hard. For many, it’s where you watched your family grow. It’s your source of comfort and...

Save For A House In One Year
It's the American Dream to own a home. However, this requires a substantial amount in savings for a downpayment and well, it's sometimes...