Buy House, Condo or Townhouse As 1st Home?
When it’s time to buy your first home, you may face a choice: Should you get a single-family house, a condominium or a town house?...

Best Things to Buy in the Spring
Spring is finally here! The warmer weather may tempt some shoppers to hit the stores looking for deals. During the months of March, April...

Modernizing a Dated Home on a Budget
For many young families, home ownership means settling for an older home at first, or being cash-poor in the early years. Even when...

Real Estate Vocabulary
Words you need to know before buying your first home: Buying a home involves its own language. Here’s a guide to the terms you may...

3 Reasons You Should Consider a Duplex as Your First Home Purchase
When most people think about buying their first home, a nice little brick house with a white picket fence comes to mind. And while...

10 Reasons to Buy Instead of Rent
If you're struggling with whether to buy versus rent, consider these 10 reasons to take the plunge into homeownership: 1. You can ramp up...

5 Reasons It'll Pay to Sell Your Home Early in 2018
It's been nearly a decade since the Great Recession delivered the worst housing crash in modern memory. But these days, the fallout feels...

Mortgage Loan Types
There used to be only three mortgage loan types available to a home buyer. Buyers could get a fixed-rate conventional mortgage, an FHA...

10 Things Americans Want In Their Homes
There’s the ideal home. Then there are the homes in which we actually live. The discrepancy between the two is the topic of a new report...

Top Reasons Why People Fall In Love With A House
What made you fall in love with your home? The top reasons for buying given by homeowners revealed: 56% said they bought a property...